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College voor Young Professionals

75 years WO2 and Hollywood’s Fascination with Fascism

Docent: Dan Hassler-Forest

College - [Will be cancelled/postponed] 75 years WO2 and Hollywood’s Fascination with Fascism

Wed 22 April 2020 20:00 - 22:00

For most of us, the term ‘fascism’ conjures up images of swastikas, goose-stepping Nazis, concentration camps, and antisemitic propaganda. But fascist aesthetics, politics, and even ideologies are also deeply embedded in Hollywood movies, from Star Wars and Superhero movies to seemingly innocent Disney movies, Donald Duck included. How can their provocative involvement be explained? How can we understand our enduring fascination with fascism? And how does popular culture continue to feed and manipulate our political imagination?

  • Film & Entertainment
75 years WO2 and Hollywood’s Fascination with Fascism