Overzicht colleges

College voor Young Professionals

Technology: What's next?


Technological innovations are omnipresent. How will they shape the way we work and live now and for years to come? Are we standing at the eve of a revolution, or will the changes be less disruptive? And what to do with the continuous, voluminous and heterogeneous stream of data that is generated?

Docent: Eric Postma

College 1 - The AI Revolution

Wed 10 April 2019 20:00 - 22:00

Artificial Intelligence is already writing news articles and weather reports without readers noticing. It controls our financial transactions and media streaming services. The AI revolution - with all its futurist claims - is taking place right now, but has a far more subtle impact on our lives than is often suggested. The coming decade will see rapid improvements in predictive and recognizant robots and other technologies, enabling integration of deep learning algorithms in all facets of our daily environment. How can we best prepare for- and benefit from this?


Please note that this lecture will be taught in English.

Docent: Prof. dr. ing. Dave Blank

College 2 - The High Tech Revolution

Thu 6 June 2019 20:00 - 22:00

Van je whitening tandpasta tot de nieuwste quantumcomputers: in alles zit tegenwoordig nanotechnologie. Dat nanotechnologie voor veel opschudding gaat zorgen staat vast, maar de potentiële gevolgen zijn eindeloos: van de sportindustrie en voedselproductie tot de gezondheidszorg. Wat kunnen we verwachten? Staan we aan de vooravond van een industriële revolutie 4.0?

Please note that this lecture will be taught in Dutch.

Docent: Prof. dr. ir. Serge Hoogendoorn

College 3 - AI & The Mobility Revolution

Tue 18 June 2019 20:00 - 22:00

Innovations in mobility can make traffic quicker, safer and cleaner than ever before. Changes in the economy, politics and environment impact mobility greatly. Meanwhile, a shift in mobility will influence branches like infrastructure, e-shopping and teleworking. How will we manage and regulate these disruptive changes of transport? Is zero emission mobility the future? And how can we secure accessibility, sustainability and equality of mobility in an increasingly urbanized society?

Please note that this lecture will be taught in English.

  • Technologie
Technology: What